Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Is it worth it??

I ask you the question in the title....is it worth it??? All the running around all the chasing success thing....??
What is in us that makes us run in the rat race?? Why do we run after success.....is it as Bhagvada Gita puts it our attachment to Maya (worldly things)...or is it something else..... Why do we run and waste all the time behind this.....Is it worth anything?? What remains with us when we leave this world?? Then again if it is not worth anything then why are we put on this earth.....there has to be a reason behind it.....
As my analytical and scientific side (not much of it actually if you read the jist of the whole blog) puts it there is a reason behind everything.....so as Gita puts it...the soul purpose of life is Karma. All is based on ones doings and Karma that one goes through life......Then my question is are we a leading a life inside a life?? Is the aggregation of Good Karma and Bad Karma part of a greater form of life.....As Gita puts it the soul passes through different lives...then as the ordinary life are the different lives that the soul passes through part of as I put it earlier a bigger or better form of life??

The question still rings Is It Worth It??

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Master of Puppets??

Well as the Metallica song goes....I ask myself why the master or rather is there a master?? The question always cropping up in my mind is whether I am just a puppet in the hands of fate or do I have a will that can take me places......There are incidents that support both the thoughts...., then why is that even if I put energy of my maximum capabliity into one thing, I still stand a chance of loosing in it.I am gonna provide the arguments of both the sides in me, ever in conflict..

Soldier of Fortune......it may be better soundin title but the truth is that I am probably just a puppet in this world, nothin is in my hand......just another role in this never ending play....it may all sound to be too philosophical......but I ask you, have you ever been down to such point when you feel nothin is in your hands.....I have seen the most strong people, people with probably the strongest back bones bend down at the hands of fate.......Is it the "Master's"(God) ever-hungry ego that tries to keep even the most hardworking, most brilliant people at a check....Does he fear that probably they may turn out to be better than him.....sounds too fictious ..eh.

But then why this struggle, the struggle is there mind you. I keep askin myself is it a struggle between me and him or a struggle within.......Whatever it may be...all these thoughts lead to a lot of energy which when utilised properly lead me into this vicious circle...where i keep fightin fate and it keeps tryin to beat me.......But is this of any worth....will someone ever be an accountant to this struggle.......They will only remember the results and never the struggle.....

Well the other part of me says....man is a maker of ones own destiny........all these struggles are a part of the game....they help to choose the meanest of them all....It keeps on insisting to work hard and things will fall in their place.....There is never any end.......even if you go away your results will always be remembered......n mind you never your struggle......The pressure is there but then the race is always hot.........

Sometimes i think that probably i should retire and seek reclusion...........