Since I am actually going through the phase in which I do nothing and nothing at all, so I decided to ask myself this question, as to why I cannot stay in this phase forever. I know why I can't, I said. Now I wanted to know from others, about the same.. So with the help of Roger and Syd, I came up with these set of questions:
Q: Why can't we play today?
Why can't we stay that way?
Why can't we reach the sun?
Why can't we blow the years away?
And here are the answers from different living beings..
Slayer a.k.a. Dirty Chadha's response:
Dirty: Because we are all locked up in the prisons of our minds.
Me: And who will rescue us?
Dirty:Haven't you heard Steve Vai? This heart is a prison, bound by chains of gold. Wherein lies the key, god only knows.
Madman's response:
Because Pink Floyd said so. Also because we are all trapped.
Chadha's response:
Because we are engineers. Queen you shall be if you wish, just have to find your king..
TY's response:
Hey listen, I will call you up later, I have to rush to office.
Siddhartha's response:
Because we are humans
Game stopper's response:
Game stopper: U can if thats what u really want... Anythin u ask for is granted... If u jus want it enough.. the sky i'll wrap n put at your feet... do you want it?
Me: I will take my chances.. What should I be expecting?
Game stopper: Its not a chance.. its not a decision.. when u want it so much that u know u have to have it when theres no thinkin jus knowin its yours... when u love somethin beyond yourself.. unconditionally selflessly, when u want it so bad that it transcends the definition of want, nobody has the power to give it to u anymore..its yours by the simple fact that it exists... go take a look at that sky if u can feel it in u n u can feel ur life flowin through it then its not mine to give anymore.... its yours..
Baby Boomer
Baby Boomer: no answers
we could play today, if u wanted to..
we could stay that way, is our choice..
but all we do is blow years away..
Me: sun?
Baby Boomer: sun rulez, actually not as much as the moon..moon simply pwns
I am still awaiting responses from some candidates....will update it later...