Anywho... I give a fuck (and want one too)... So yes... To the members in the audience...
Well the point is would you believe it?? Cause I can't.... The bug (or as the Bolly dolls call it the scorpion (bichua)) has left its sting... Things no longer are the same...
Sigh... Yup... As helpless as I was before.. Being the Puppet... DUH!!!! I now am hopelessly (and no the optimist shit doesn't work all well here....) helpless...
So well... Shock it was for someone... But places are no longer like "just another place" for the just another puppet... See the point is I can handle anything... :-D.. Smart am I not?? But :-Puppet has a blog to write and a verbal diarrhoea to maintain... Which is becoming increasingly difficult... So Puppet fights back and lands a punch...
So what you read now is a gutter war of words... And well all you get is shit... SHIT

I dont know why or what am I writing any more (although no change in stance there... Never knew)... But I now know what I am doing in life... Cause everythin seems to have a "meaning" (Can't resist this one... I got a new Oxford dictionary and just cant stop me from showing off... Though its a bit of a pain to carry it everywhere, especially the loo)... Its destiny she said...