Chewing up the nail, till there is none that can be bitten off. Gazing at the smoke from the still-burning....not totally crushed cigarette butt, the irresistible urge to have a sip, of tea and finish it all then and there. Listening to the "Call of the Ktulu", unsure of whether its playing in the head or on the player. Reading about Rajapaksa's crackdown on Tamils in Colombo, without discrimination. Thinking continuously, without fail to think of something. Checking up the mailbox for a new ray of mail. Bearing the disturbance of an irritating voice penetrating the sphere of the "Call of the Ktulu".
Checking the cell-phone, the killer of letters, for a text - message. Watching the pigeon outside my window, doing endless rounds. "Can I be of some help, you seem to be looking for something". Looking at the time at the system, "ah...the sun is shining beautifully". Looking at the cover of "Crime and Punishment", "yes honey i know, i owe you another 100 pages of reading". The source of the irritating voice seems to have been shooed away. "What?? its been just 30 minutes since the last cup of tea......"
Just another day at the office.....
U need some caffeine, I m gonna give it to you..
,he said. And then they lived happily ever-after.....naaah.... sipping tea for another half an hour.....
nice post...but for the tea it wudnt be something I'd relate to...wishing for another sip of tea wid the cig burnin out...i kno exactly how tht feels...
this is wat I was talkin about
1. DT version:
Floyd Or Women!
Sitting here waiting for d clock to strike 6,so dat i cud rush home , this thought just randomly passed my head , this goes out to all ze MEN in this community!!!
Confessions of the dangerous mind!
Floyd or Women ... if you had a choice AND HAD TO Choose ONE! which one wud it be and WHY!! facking be honest!
gunner ? respondez !
2. My version:
DT ???????????????
Sitting here waiting for d clock to strike 6,so dat i cud rush home , this thought just randomly passed my head , this goes out to all ze MEN in this community!!!
Confessions of the dangerous mind!
DT is ________________________________??
fill in the blank people.,
she is the one power house who is enuf so many men on this community.
scratch those tiny brains of Urs.
,n fill in some adjectives..
n DT I wud want U to remark..
nice post...but for the tea it wudnt be something I'd relate to...wishing for another sip of tea wid the cig burnin out...i kno exactly how tht feels...
u shud be here to experience it..
u wud definitely relate to it..
2 sid:
u shud be here to experience it..
u wud definitely relate to it..
first this line too much a cliche` n this ain't no place to hit on females, U have orkut n stuff like that.
first this line too much a cliche` n this ain't no place to hit on females, U have orkut n stuff like that.
quiet ironical..
the language u are writing in is also not deviced by u..
waise fuck u and ur cliches..
i'll write whatever i want..
go on and blabber whatever u want to..
keep guessing
2 sid:
if U tell someone.,
kitney paagal ho tum??
do U mean to say U keep guessing., ki woh banda sach mein kitna paagal hain., ya hain bhi ya nahi.
these things fall under the category of rhetorical questions..
oh god!...my mistake I commented and set the series going...
Keep on rocking in a free world.... its fun in a way..... do more.... n the results would be excruciating....
oh god!...my mistake I commented and set the series going...
most gr8 things happen by mistake only.,
what you did was very nice.
even if U call it a mistake.,
please keep on repeating., if not for your but for our sake
Man, I long for those days of 'work'; that place totally spoiled me! :D
ya...i guess this is what just-starting-out-at-work life is about...ciggies, internet surfing....chai and lots of pani...along with reckless eating and lots of time to ponder on what a waste evrything is ...i mean sort of!!
and since when did u become a smoker??
Well it sure is true...
And no I dont smoke... The inspiration was that of a burning butt i saw lying on the side of the road while i sipped tea... Its a great sight to look at the cig butts... They are kinda infuming to watch...
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