As I woke up in the middle of the night, around 5 a.m. with Eruption playing in my head, an idea popped in my head. The idea was to play and actually listen to Eruption in audio format. So following the idea I enqueued the song, the sole and only song to listen to it in repetition. Sleep was not coming. thats probably because I had already slept for like 8-9 hrs. With such a tired mind and Eruption in the background the following scenes passed before my eyes...

Eddie (not the Iron Maiden mascot, mind you.... but the fret-tapping maestro :-P) walkin in space with his guitar, making love to it. The guitar in turn moaned, gasped and cried-out... Eddie knows his moves...
Me looking at me... My eye sockets all hollow.. Then I have eyes... Now the eye balls are missing... Two planets involved in cosmic sex...
I am in a ship... Space-ship, mind it... Travelling faster than light... The space changing colors while I fizz past.... Planets changing color.... Planets stop to look at me.... The ones in cosmic sex...
A war scene... In a jungle... Lion feeding on one of the soldiers, its mouth painted with blood... BLOOD...BLOOD...
I am back in space... My ship is outta control...
A Samurai and a Ninja exchange blows through their swords... Faster than lightning... Shrink... Shrink...
My ship, about to crash...
My shoe laces are open...
I crash on a planet... I jump out of the ship... On my knees....
The alarm bell rings... Its morning....