As I woke up in the middle of the night, around 5 a.m. with Eruption playing in my head, an idea popped in my head. The idea was to play and actually listen to Eruption in audio format. So following the idea I enqueued the song, the sole and only song to listen to it in repetition. Sleep was not coming. thats probably because I had already slept for like 8-9 hrs. With such a tired mind and Eruption in the background the following scenes passed before my eyes...

Eddie (not the Iron Maiden mascot, mind you.... but the fret-tapping maestro :-P) walkin in space with his guitar, making love to it. The guitar in turn moaned, gasped and cried-out... Eddie knows his moves...
Me looking at me... My eye sockets all hollow.. Then I have eyes... Now the eye balls are missing... Two planets involved in cosmic sex...
I am in a ship... Space-ship, mind it... Travelling faster than light... The space changing colors while I fizz past.... Planets changing color.... Planets stop to look at me.... The ones in cosmic sex...
A war scene... In a jungle... Lion feeding on one of the soldiers, its mouth painted with blood... BLOOD...BLOOD...
I am back in space... My ship is outta control...
A Samurai and a Ninja exchange blows through their swords... Faster than lightning... Shrink... Shrink...
My ship, about to crash...
My shoe laces are open...
I crash on a planet... I jump out of the ship... On my knees....
The alarm bell rings... Its morning....
On behalf of bro who was text the content first thing in the morning as he is too conservative to go on record
The meaning of the absurd text sent bfor could be tht someone wants to hav cosmic sex with Van Halen..
Another text followed
One more thing, I searched every possible dictionary and then I read your text and found out the meaning of the word DUMBASS
Yesterday my neighbor swallowed a paper pin. the pin slashed through her throat, cut open her oesophagus, gashed her stomach lining letting her stomach acids to sear the pancreas, severed her intestines leading to internal bleeding which finally oozed out of her eyes.
THAT may remotely fall under the 'weak hearts' advisory/caution.
I guess you had a pang of the '18 Absinthe down' syndrome, my friend.
I too had a dream last night, while i was having 'cosmic' sex. A supercharged mosquito whizzed past me at virtually supersonic speed and executed a diarrhoea of trajectories. I turned on my seven coloured bedlamp to observe better. Hell Yeah i wanted to mash is to the wall, but the lucky pipsqueak dissappeared at a sway of the swat.
The alarm bell rings... Its morning....
@puppet's bro
Eh... Smarty Pants?? Chomu...
@Wannabe Jet
Who the fuck told you it was a dream.... I was awake... at least I think so... It looked like a dream but wasnt one.... A merging thing between both... Reality and Dream kept slipping into one another.....
dooode...u have been missed!!
Dont you change your name on me!!!
Missed at thee little scribbling place.. Well I am just headed there... Just as soon as I fix myself a doze of caffeiene.....
Me is fine... How have you been??
such an action packed story.. intense and all.. n then suddenly comes this line
"My shoe laces are open..."
Those things (open shoe laces) can be trippy... A lotta good men lost their lives there....
shoe laces...really....i can neva get them rite...i dont feel alone :P
dude!!!!!! whahahahahat was all that???? whizzed past my head!!!!!
:D n u better try n guess who i am :P
You never were...
@You know who
Is the fizzing past pattern similar to someone fizzing past Delhi??
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