Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ozzy Said....


The Constant Critic said...

sheesh...copy cat!!

Puppet said...

HuH?? :-D

The Constant Critic said...

as in...i posted a post which said 'lennon said'...and then i see you a post rather a picture depicting what 'ozzy said'...bad boi!

Puppet said...

I wasn initially plannin on naming it anythin... Like the last pic... But somehow remembered what Ozzy sang... So thts why... Well fine I plead guilty..

Moony ric.... said...

y shd u plead guilty???
no..u shdnt...
(straight face)

i mean.. u use d loo pehle n then some oder chap uses it 4 d same purpose... u call this copy cat ?? :-P

ps.. puppet....dont post this comment ..i was just tellin ya my opinion..but DONT publish it.

fightamonkey said...

dude ozzy just sang once..
all the other time he was busy tearing off bats..
u only told me that..