Which made me realize... Ah time to write a good for nothin useful post to help you (Right now only me... the reader) a food (cheese i heard??).... naaah.... too weird... but nevertheless... for thought...

So the point is man evolved only to get behind the rat in the rat race.... Okie... The point is... But before the point... How many of you have seen a bird wake up early in the morning to sit and glare or as to what you thinkers (intellectuals?? Rachel??) might deem it to be "observe" (yea you wish) humans... So the point (finally... naah not quite so)is.... Stop being a wannabe, me nature lover sitting and glaring at birds or squirrels, and instead work.... Okie now this post is going nowhere.... So another question... How many of you esteemed readers (I am trying to be nice :-D) have seen a bird (or a squirrel... jeez these squirrel unions want parity in everything)blog about humans... Baah still nowhere...

So if evolution was Darwins gift... And he got it by observing nature... Which includes birds... The birds felt no great deal about being observed... Rather they ignored Darwin and still hunted for food... And Darwin for a weird theory.... So the point is... If I am evolved enough I shouldn spare any spare time and work... Take :-Puppet for example.. When having spare time... He is either on fellytone (:-) with ummm... he.. he.. he) or oozing out crap on justanotherpuppet.blogspot.com or drinking tea.. So thats his contribution...

The only thing tht may remotely be considered and referred to as work which involves birds is... If you are killing them by biting their heads off.. Like (okie raise your hands who didn see this coming!!) Ozzy (OZZY RULZ!!!).. okie Jimmy put your hands down... And stop being an embarrassment to all of us...
Besides being very focused Ozzy(OZZY RULZ!!!!)is a very very ultra "no dude i wont give up no mater what you shove up my ass" man.... Ozzy (OZZY RULZ!!!) recently got his driving license at the ripe age of 60 on his 19th attempt.... see what I mean... And Ozzy said... "For the first time in my life I'm legal to drive - so watch out."... Sigh... If only humans could be more like Ozzy...

as promised.. i strt my hoggin session... man y dint i realise ..i had electronic food... all this while...rottin my soul in d trash..anyhow..SAVED at d last moment! phew!!!!!
geez.. so wat was d post abt... ratsssss..i c.......k first thing first....i got d hint..at places it was hidden... :-P
i like d beatle black eyes o d rat n squeeky's hand.... i want both... this same rat and d same suirrel!
RATS..r "cute" -- says she.
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