Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Grab what's yours!!!

Well don't you think I am right in this aspect. Am I being too selfish here?? Thw world will snath you whatever you got if you don't keep a grip on it. Take for example, the project i am working on, there are about three of us out of eleven who have worked their asses off. And one of them was not quite a worker in the eyes of our team leader hance he got fairly lesser grading then the two of us. My theory is whenever I do work I make it a point that I get the result. No use of doing work that will not lead to any outcome, wherther profit or loss is a different question all together.

That's why I say take grab what you deserve rather than watching people walk away with your prize. You may call it being selfish i call it being smart. The world will not keep things in front of you in a platter....you have to grab a plate and serve it yourselves.


madman said...

somethin to ponder regardin selfishness

there is no selfless good deed..

Moony ric.... said...

do u needa grab it when "its" all urs ??


Puppet said...

Thought would comment all of them together... But this one needed a comment... Cause I know now what you mean... I do... And yea :-D great point...