Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Revenge of the Ego

Its appaling how at times people tend to underestimate you. Just the fact that you have not tried something before doesnot give one the liberty of underestimating your potential. In such circumstances as I have so aptly been in the recent past the mind behaves in a manner that I have presented in this post.

The first reaction is that of a non-believer. Mind resents or rather the ego resents you from believing what the other person is mentioning. This set your mood off and hence work takes a back seat and you would rather think about the reason for the underestimation.

The next phase is thus born in which your mind plays with your ego. It makes you believe that the other person is right and that there are things that you are not capable of. This state of mind is even more harmful for work and work becomes a thing of the past and huge workload piles up.
What follows is depression of why am I unable to do certain things. And the ego gets all its bruises in this phase when the mind reminds the ego of apt number of examples from the past as and when you had been unsuccessful.

When the ego has had its share of beating there comes its revenge of doing the same thing that you had been accussed that you are incapable of. And then when the challenge is set for the ego....and another one rises for the mind when it watches the ego taking over and completing the task. The new challenge for the mind is to find out reasons that led to your success and to praise the ego and to learn the lesson that is not to underestimate the ego.

1 comment:

madman said...

the ego is absolutely masturbation.
you do everything to yourself through your own reflections..