Saturday, May 05, 2007

How the mighty beat the law?

Today's newspaper contained an article as to how Shibu Soren, accused and currently sentenced for the murder of his secretary, is enjoying his life out of jail. The article talks as to how Shibu got himself transferred to the Raipur jail from the Tihar jail and is currently occupying a room ( two-rooms) at a Raipur hospital.

Well the paper just wrote about one of the many such cases. The well connected and the close ones of the ruling parties in India have made a joke of the Indian judicial system. And the judicial system acts too dumb or rather overloaded with work to notice any such indisperancies.

Not only is this evident the present case of Shibu Soren but also there is a similar pattern in all cases invoving high profile or well connected people. This pattern is not only ignored by the media but also by the people who have fought for the cause of getting the accused to the book.

The series goes on like this:
1. The accused is set free by a district court where the accused's case is handled for the first time. Mostly the reason given by these courts is lack of evidence or incomplete evidence. This happened in the case of Shibut Soren, Jessica Lal murder case, Priyadarshini Matoo case, the Pareira case etc.

2. Next the court is either brought to the High Court either by the victims of the case or the High Court intervenes on its own accord. Here the accussed is held guilty on all accounts and is sentenced accordingly. The same happened in all the cases mentione above.

3. The case is then moved by the accused to the Supreme Court where the court lets it hang on.

Now the catch is that the media is recording the case or giving it the top priority only thill the guilty is brought to the book. But moment this happens the media forgets about it. The accused and the well connected take advantage of this very fact and they quitely move the court to he Supreme Court. Once admitted by the Court there are several ways of getting out and staying free. One way is to get bail, another way is as our honurable politician did.

The ways of playing with the system are many. It is only us who keep a blind eye to it and don't try to find out whats happening behind the scenes.


Twilight Fairy said...

wow... nice observations.. you shud have sent it to the open page, The Hindu or soemthing...

Puppet said...

Would it matter....the important thing according to me is that I know where the system is wrong and would fight the system from within the system....About the ppl well they seldom care!!! They need an example to follow.