Is it the fascination with death or the inability to accept that death is bad? In the absence of all the above mentioned great "causes" the youth's natural energy has gone disarray.. With no great hero to adopt a style or two from, the probability to fall for any mortal with a cap on was inevitable..

Long gone are the greater causes of serving ones mother/father land and lesser mortal of issues like, looking for real love, fighting for one's "space", to set the mind free, have taken center stage. No songs anymore make you realize the worthlessness of realizing, you have to realize it on your own. The "intellectual" ones seek refuge in songs of yesteryears the rest well they are uncharacteristically categorized as humans..No political issues get the same energy as it used to..Getting wasted is understood getting wasted isn't hep as well.. Sex is just a compliment away..that too is no more of an accomplishment.. Money well...really you call that a cause??
No common cause for men/women to unite and fight for.. the deprived generation

true..but we arnt at fault, technically speaking!!
makes sense.,
to me quoting or talkin abt the scenario is like the job half done.,
had a nasty analogy but wil let it pass.,
if U so rightly feel we r deprived.,
is there somethin U wud wanna propose.,
or simply talk abt it.,
the same way those good for nothing lamers do.,
n thnk they did a great favor to humanity by simply talking or thinkin abt a problem that is very social or contemprory.
@musty muser
Its not a blame...a mere observation..
same applies to you.... I am not proposing anything...i am merely observing the question of doing something or the other doesnot arrive here....
Lamers are nothing but a perception by cannot categorise anything and anybody.... you are what you are and by telling or referring them with "positive" or "negative" terms just showcases that your "belief" and understanding of the world is much different from the so called "lamers"
U mean to say I am lamer of a diff kind..
As I told you before you and me are judges for our own world..... you may call me lamer and feel great bout it....someone else might feel that i m great..... all self-beliefs....illusions Mr. Anderson, illusion, vagaries of perception, incumbent constructs of a human mind !!!
my point is.,
the people i tagged lamers r none other than the deprived souls U talk offff..
I don't care what name you give to being judgmental is not mine but your headache.....
I can't help it if you didnot understand the post fully and missed out the sarcasm in it..
re read.,
got some of it.but not sure.,
i wud say elucidate
Its more commit the same mistakes your dad did...and your dad complains about it......and asks you to "improve"...
The youth always needs a motive..... whether or not its great but they have to be revolting to the ideas of the previous generation.....
learn from ur father's mistake.
wear a condom kinds.,
child is the father of man kinds..
both in some ways
I don't quite agree with you that there is no cause for us to put our energies into. Times change. Options available change. What was once a worthy cause loses it's importance and becomes a moot point.
But new events shape the world and new things come up. Everyone says that the good old days were better. And they may be right about some things too. But the good old days weren't called that when they were being lived, were they? At that time too, people would've reminiscenced about their good old days and how things were better then.
And the fact that old crusades are no longer important usually is good; it means what they were fighting for/ against has been achieved, right? So it's done and gone.
There is always something to do, something worth your attention. You just have to want to do it.
Ur very brief and blurr with what you have quoted.,
U sound as if Ur sayin some great stuff and pointing out a very great mistake in wat puppet quoted.,
n U make it sound like US v/s them kinds.
1. people like puppet who say there is nothing to live for today's generation
2. people like you who say people like puppet existed in the past too.,who said nothing worth livin existed then either.,
aren't U talkin like the
"Same shit different day "
kinda stuff..
>Ur very brief and blurr with what you have quoted
What's wrong with being succinct? I don't have to ramble to make a point.
U sound as if Ur sayin some great stuff and pointing out a very great mistake in wat puppet quoted.
I've simply commented on this post, stating my point of view ( which by the way, you've got completely wrong ) and I never claimed that it was a great insight or even that it was correct just like I never claimed that puppet was wrong or there was a mistake in what he said. I only said that I disagree with him on one point. It's just my point of view and as such, depends on my experiences and my thoughts. It may not reflect what you think or what society feels or, again, what is actually correct.
>2. people like you who say people like puppet existed in the past too.,who said nothing worth livin existed then either.,
That isn't what I said. In fact, I stated quite almost the opposite. My point is that what was seems better than what is. It may seem that life now is pointless without struggles and war but all that still exists and it's simply in a different form.
>aren't U talkin like the
"Same shit different day "
kinda stuff..
Actually, it would be more like "different shit, different days".
And as for
>1. people like puppet who say there is nothing to live for today's generation
Every generation feels the same, there is nothing special about "today's generation". Tomorrow, these will be the good-old-golden-days for the next generation. But again, this is my perception and you, obviously, may think differently; but that's our prerogative as free, individuals.
this a contrast in many ways.,
have U agreed or disagreed wit me.,
U say puppet talks relevance.,
or irrelevance but U say this happens all the time.,
n today's generation is lame.,
n I m a part of it.
war, revolutions and big historic changes are more bloody and painful and agonizing then they appear in movies or books or folklores. Try imagining something like getting beaten with lathi ruthlessly, that is just starting point, still worse thing have happened to all revolutionaries and their allies.
Today's generation is not aimless(in fact it has a bigger aim than ever). In past we have different issues to fight for, today we have cause like bringing prosperity and economic growth. Today's economic growth has all been brought about by youth. SO we are not lost, but we are contributing for better future. And yes ruthlessness and such tendencies dies as we become more and more civilized. Why would somebody fight if we can solve the entire issue by discussion.
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