1. Why does Clapton, Harrison (Hippie Shit), Springsteen and Knopfler who write probably the best love songs end up being married, divorced, married and then again divorced innumerable times (While you read this... There may be another divorce happening), while Ozzy (OZZY RULZ!!!), Mustaine, Dickinson, Hetfield, Murray, Adrian Smith and the rest end up happily married???
2. Why do they call Rocky 4 a movie, when its a plain musical?? And why do they try to show Clubber Lang as villian in Rocky 3 when he is just a hungry guy??
3. How did Elvis who broke so many hearts... End up with a broken heart???
4. Ronnie James Dio is one of the greatest singer.. EVER.. But he somehow never fits in a band... Why??

you live life and not understand it.
I dont live life...
Life makes me live it...
I don't resist anything, it aint a strife....
It just swallows the will bit by bit....
that is the way it is supposed to be, don't try to get it cause you can't. you have to live with the fact that you can do everything else with life but you can't get it.
something to follow up on life's ironies.
who is the strongest man on this planet?
the american president, ain't he?
and what is the biggest sign of a man's strength, his sleeping with a woman of his choice, but he couldn't do it.
this is life's irony.
*SOURCE: the stock broker*
don't try to get it cause you can't.See thats the whole thing... You are as clueless as me.... Whether we can get it or not.... Since "nobody" knows.... You can rest with that I can't....
Actually you can't rest too... Thats why you are here... Tryin to convince me....
I may get nothin and end up like all... Clueless... But that goes without sayin.... But I CAN'T STOP TRYING.....
you have to live with the fact that you can do everything else with life but you can't get it.
I dont have to... I can... Then again I can't....
Ans's comments i'll answer separately
who is the strongest man on this planet?
the american president, ain't he?
He is not the strongest man... He is the more powerful man...
and what is the biggest sign of a man's strength, his sleeping with a woman of his choice, but he couldn't do it.
Bah... Virginal dilemma...
this is life's irony.
There is no irony... There is no other way...
blaouh jloah glouah flouah...(wat MR. Rocky Balboa is tryin to say is tat Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing....)rocky might have just answered all ur qs i suppose!!!
forget the ironical part.,
what you are getting at it trying to avoid regret later in life by doing all that you can to change the unchangeable.
this according to your previous comments would give you an impression that you tried to change it where as you also accept that you are kinda aware nothing can be done about it.
just that you have a slight glimmer of hope, actually not even that, its the unrest in you that is pestering you- you say.
[ acceptance is the only way is my verdict ]
he.. he.. he.. his accent is killin...
And true actually.... Although not necessarily intelligent...
what you are getting at it trying to avoid regret later in life by doing all that you can to change the unchangeable.
And what you are tryin to do is avoid regret later in life that you didn't try when someone else did...
where as you also accept that you are kinda aware nothing can be done about it.
I am not aware of anythin... If i would have been I wouldnt been tryin here...
Even if I know it... I'll still try... You have your ways of paasin the left over time on this planet... I've mine...
just that you have a slight glimmer of hope, actually not even that, its the unrest in you that is pestering you- you say.
Get pestered sometime... Its a nice feeling... Try it... Or too lazy to try this too...
laziness pawns everything.
1. Metal rules over old rock n roll, simple.
2. Rocky iz teh suck, i have never seen any boxing match has anything to do with rocky
3. Khoon ka badla khoon.
4. Too good for anything, but honestly i haven't heard him, prolly except in deep purple.
Dio was never with Purple... He sang for Rainbow yes... But never for Purple.. He also sang for Sabbath and his own band DIO (Wah innovation...)
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