Realism sucks. It sucks big time. I mean realism isnt even real. Its like more unrealistic and illusional than anything. Realism is also very very pessimistic. No?? Well it is more pessimistic than dream world. Dreams are more optimistic. Its realism that shatters them. All the while.. Totally.. So this way realism is actually the villian. Who just cant see dreams flourish... Jealous bitch....

If only I could have had a dime everytime someone told me to be realistic. No I couldnt have a dime... That would be very "UNrealistic"... They go on like... Be realistic man... Why would anyone wanna give you a dime... Gee man...Get a life... (Why do I sound like Ozzy in my head??? Actually NOT... I said two sentences without using the F* word...)...See it sucks out the life outta every God damn thing... Right GOD..... Now thats realistic.... Suckers.... Everything that glitters isn't gold... Yea like Fuck...Ozzy in the making???? Gee Shucks....
I am not gonna go on, as to what you would expect, into preaching as to how anything that has not been tried doesnt mean it is not possible kinda shit. Because that would be something that you would be expecting me to do. I am pretty unpredictable, get used to the idea... That was so lame btw.... Man it was totally weak.... Anywho...

Its realism that broke up the Beatles.... Hippie Shit.... And Sabbath.... Thats its nature, to destroy... Get unreal man... Get unreal....

And yea Ozzy Osbourne will be knighted... No matter what they or CHOMU says.... OZZY \m/... To be... Sir Ozzy Osbourne.... My Votes for Ozzy... Ozzy for President....Yeah... Dont fucking real me..... OZZY RULZ!!!!!!
CHOMU's Birthday....btw....... YAY...........

The feeling is mutual... Except I wanna kill 'em all... Or kick 'em in the nuts... Whichever hurts them more....
hippie's peace lovin, n you have succeeded in provokin em..
firstly hats off to U .
sulaah karni hian?
HuH?? Screw yourself hippie...
we will change you for sure..
\m/ peace \m/
Ya.. Ya... Lamer.... :-P
just wait n watch
\m/ peace \m/
You do realise that I have the power of vlockin your shove it up your ass peace messages... Comments... Lamer... Hippie...
well well well.....here i go again....so after a lot of persuasion and sometimes threats that i should be reading these blogs so here it is....well stop livin in the world where u r always correct rather i should say ur BE days are over now a realistic person will only say that such an icon can never be knighted so dont fuckin say that not to REAL you...well grow up...well u r cartmans fan also so who the next president we know after all....(n dont defend urself by saying tat he is a cartoon character)
reality bites....except it.....
Pervert CHOMU
Firstly CHOMU... Ewuwwuww... Weak man...
Secondly... Shut up... You better read them more often... Or you aint notgetting any money from now on.... And yes it is a threat...
Dude sooner or later it will be Sir Ozzy Osbourne... It just sounds too grat in my head...
well.......MR.PUPPET in the words of "EXTREME"...."MORE than words is all you have to do to make it real...."
or in words of MR.JAGGER..."You cant always get what you want...."
i feel there is nothing more left to write.....
dont always answer my comments by using the F word.......
as i said i got nothin more to write abt ur useless and endless discussion.....good day......i said good day.....
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