Hmmm... Now... the topic... Judgement... Not Judgement Day the Song by WhiteSnake (DUH!!).... I realised somethin talkin to someone the some other day that by judging one actually ends up as being judged... Yup.... When I judge and I make my judgement aloud I tell ppl about my boundaries... I tell 'em whats cool for me and whats Hippie for me.... So that way people will know what I am made of and hence they can do stuff that really pisses me off.... Soooooooooo... Judge but dont make your judgement public.... Oooooooor... Fake your judgement.... Say crap... Or write (As in my case)....

"You are watching MTV.. The cool brain washing 12 year old younger station, that hides behind a slick image. We are so cool that we decide whats cool. And now MTV news that is single handedly dumbing down our country.. Which is cool.."

-- Adapted from Southpark Episode 404 (Timmy)... TIMMY!!!!
I realised how poor judges adults are.. I mean seriously... Children below 10 years of age are so damn cool... They just dont judge... I mean they do judge but none of it is their own... But a judgement they overheard an adult makin... And with the passage of time they start thinking it as one of their own thought (Please note Not judgement)... Sigh poor kids...

The worse judgement I have seen adults make uptil now.. Since the time I conceived the idea of this post i.e. yesterday evening (Night actually) is about Eddie (Not the fret tapping maestro... DUH!!! This time its Edward the Great... Iron Maiden mascot.... Phew I have to explain everything to you dumbfucks).... I mean they consider him evil and devil and kinda shit... Someone told me he is a blood sucking monster... Yea like fuck.... I mean for Peats sake the poor guy is a vegetarian... I mean just look at his teeth in any God damn pic.... They are all cow teeth... I mean no sharp dentures.... He is just a guy (A freak to be precise) who has just had a bad day and is really pissed off...And would just like to take over the world like all vegetarians, like Adolf boy himself... So stop fucking judging him.... I am sure Dirty Chadha couldnt agree with me more (And if you are reading this... Please comment... We cant let my popularity go down can we??)
:-Puppet's Own::-P
Optimism dies a slow death... Pessimism gets a slow birth... All with the help of realism... Pessimism is a leech (parasite whatever) who lives and sucks on the blood of optimism... As Yossarian would have put it... Very much like Cancers....
Yup, I agree on this one - Eddie is a damn nice guy. And who wouldn't be pissed/seem like a freak if he's chained in dim lighting.
Now come on, cut the guy some slack. First they chain him, in another he's buried and when he finally breaks out, a lightning bolt strikes him. Talk about tough luck. And the guy is a Pharaoh for christ's sake!
Who wouldn't be pissed I ask.
Totally..... Yea dim lighting is another reason for Eddie to be pissed off... Like everything else... Hippies mostly...
Yep! the one about optimism is true!
nice written dude....
u can visit my blog http://saurabh-sahay.blogspot.com/
saurabh sahay:says that to everyone.
i KNOW...
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