Well here is a conversation between me (Kapil) and Madman...Sorry for the irregularity in use of punctuation and proper grammar...as it has been taken up right from chat logs.
Madman: mornin kapil., do we get to the religious boundary now?
Me: well my thoughts on religion can well be explained by the quote::"Religion is for those who believe in hell and spritualism for those who have been there!!!"
Madman: nice quote.,in a way U hav shut me up.,but I aint gonna let tht happen.,U wnt do drugs cuz U promised someone makes complete sense.,its gud for ur health too.,but U get religion into this too..
Me: well not me.....had it not been for my mother i wouldn't have kept my hair as well.....well religion comes in b/w 'coz my mother believes in religion and its boundaries not me
Madman: ahaan.,so U do it cuz of her.,n U see the kinda risk Ur gettin urself into.,once U succumb .,U enhance the expectations.,but on the other hand U can have ur way from now on since U can claim that U do certain things for them.,I tried gettin into this trap but cudn.,so got a hair cut.,this route was easier for me..
Me: well sometimes the easier and convinient path is not always the best....well more than anything i have started believing in relationships that actually matter...i can and will do anything my parents ask me to do whether my personal beliefs are against the request is a separate thing all together.....i may decline the request if i feel strongly against it but then if by doing certain things one can actually make a person happy and i dont find anything totally offensive against it then i might as well do it.
Madman: Is this not an escapist route then?
Me: is it? I ask you by actually makin someone happy and smile makes me an escapist....let me put it this way....i believe that there is nothin purer than a relationship between a man and his mother....a mother would never seek something harmful for her children... i may not believe in religion but don't have anythin against it as well.... I believe it is good that religion is there to some extent it keeps a control over the animal called man.....Although it may at times provoke the animal as well when religion takes the face of riots but then my guess is that ppl need riots and wars to make them feel that they are alive.....and so they go and get it
Madman: escapist in the way., that even if Ur correct wit ur belief n thought process U readily change it.,I never understand the logic behind the same, but that is how most parents like to perform.,they love to compromise n try to force us for the same..another., the reason why I am being so straight forward in the talk is cuz I m assuming that Ur open to this conversation.,if at any point U feel offensive or confused lemme knw
Madman: well U have put forward ur point really well.,n wat U say abt a mother is true., she wont harm Us.,but the deal is she decides most things on the basis of her upbriniging.,.wat worked for her mite not work for U.,and as far as religion is concerned., i think it shud be by choice n not forced.,happiness is again a debatable issue.,the thing from wat I knw abt my father,he is way too religious.,n most religious tend to philosophize most other peopl on the basis on religion.,my father wud have talked a lot abt religion and at times maybe taunted some peopl in the society.,as n wen I grow up.,he starts feelin insecure.,in my age gropu of say 18 - 24 .,that I mite get a hair cut., start trimming my beard., n peopl mite start givin him the same bull shit ( religious lessons ) that he gave them.,sole idea of religion is make U a good human.,someone good in deeds n at heart., and to metruth and abiding by the truth is more important than praying every mornin.,U can take it this way .,i believe in religion., but i am against religions
Me: well my beliefs are somewhat opposite....what i feel is that parents expect their children to do things that they could't achieve themselves.....At another end there is a continuous feeling of keeping their children close to themselves.....somewhere in their hearts they know that all their beliefs in religion etc. are somewhat society bound. But at the same time they know this as well that anything or anyone against the society is generally crushed..... Being aware of all this they continuously feed their children of morals that are adherent to the society....this is all because of the love that they have for you....they are scared for you....all this is beautifully potrayed in the lyrics of the song "Mother" by Pink Floyd in their album "The Wall"
Madman: ahaan., interesting put forward again.,U in a way summarize the insecurities parents go thru..,and in a way brief their reasons behind their actions.,
Me: Well what ppl dont understand is that praying is not something to be done as they say "religiously" but the most important thing is to understnad what the person, who wrote the religious teachings actually meant and then try to remind yourself everyday of that and try to abide by that......And just for the record my parents had given me the choice of trimmin my beard but i didn't coz i knew in the end its not what they wanted.....my mother is somewhat way too religious but my dad is much like me....'coz he is more experienced and knows how to handle things tactfully n to make ppl bend in favour of his points in the end...
Madman: how do U decide as to wen our thinkin is inspired.,or is it always inspired?
Me: Well depends.....at times I feel it is inspired all the time by either your experiences or someone influential in your life...but then I guess all this in the end adds up to only your perceptions.....even to think that our thinking is inspired might just be a perception....perhaps a perception that the person who inspired you has a thinking so deep.....but never underestimate your brain...its the best and the worst thing you got, depending upon how you utilise it....but one thing is for sure, you think of one thing but then it depends upon you what direction do you give it......
Madman: interesting but no complete.,n the reason being.,U give me all possibilities.,n the problem here is to define authenticity.,wat U say can be summarised this way.,humans discover most of the things n not invent them
Me: somewhat...yea...in the beginning it is discovery but who knows in the end lies an invention